Wind Spirit Deck Plans

View the deck plans for Windstar Cruises's Wind Spirit by simply selecting a deck from the below drop down.

Deck One
Deck One
Deck One
Deck One

Deck One

  • Owner's Suite
  • Category B Cabins
  • Category BX Deluxe Cabins

Wind Spirit

With wide open, teak decks, the Wind Spirit is truly remarkable for a ship of its size. Plenty of spacious public places mean you can easily socialise with friends or just enjoy a quiet drink. Wind Spirit offers two primary dining venues. AmphorA Restaurant offers gourmet, course-by-course cuisine in the evenings and Veranda restaurant offers casual buffet and full-service dining for breakfast and lunch.

Wind Spirit
Windstar Cruises

Windstar Cruises

Windstar’s small cruise ships and personalized approach bring you closer to each destination and every port, so you can see the world from new perspectives. Share intimate moments away from the crowds, and immerse yourself in local, exotic cultures, all on a cruise ship where surprise and delight are constant companions.

And of course, part of the Windstar magic is our incredible personal service. Enjoy undivided attention from a crew who delights in remembering your name and preferences. Both gracious hosts and ambassadors, they delight in surprising you in discrete ways – satisfying your sweet tooth with an extra chocolate on your pillow or sharing the location of a favorite seaside café.

This is 180 degrees from ordinary, where all your senses are indulged and your sense of wonder is awakened.